Friday, December 30, 2011

Key to Buoyancy and Triumph

Time. One more period of time is almost over. 2011.
Game. One game is almost over.

Another one is about to start. 2012.

Celebrate the Unlimited Discovery!
I can well imagine how important this year has been for some of you. You are just completing a critical phase of your campus life. Some of you graduated with flying colors and entering the real world.

Do a thorough analysis of the year in terms of how you have performed.  Be bold to discover yourself.  How have you invested an average of 2000 quality hours? How can we allocate the time for New Year just like corporations allocate their budgets sensibly?

In a way, this is more important than the real budgets. Because time is most precious.

Another game is going to start in couple of days. 2012.
We need to welcome it. We can better do it because we are well learned and thoughtful.

I take this opportunity to desire our aspirations fly high for great discovery of ourselves. That is the key to buoyancy and triumph.

Wish you and your loved ones Very Happy and Prosperous New Year. God Bless.

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