Monday, December 19, 2011

Now that the career choice is made ....

Happy Monday!

We discussed the important launch last week. Graduate students hitting the real practical world supported by the life experience of what the learned at the school and overall from student life. They also carry the personal and social responsibility to live up to the expectations of elders and society they belong to.

Ok, now since the decision and choice have been made on the very career launch, there are few things these students must embrace and practice in work life. I indicated few of them in our last blog.  The communication, team work, attitude, hard work, problem solving, logical thinking, solution based approach etc.  Excited? Please stick me.

Let us discuss some of them in detail here.

Communication:  This is going to be one of the major success factors, to communicate properly and continuously. What goes in your mind is not known to others at work especially when you are new in the team. Pros or Cons, Forward or backward, question or answer – Please do communicate and share the thoughts on work regularly.

Team work, hard work and Attitude:  These are self-explanatory and enough is learned over the years. It is relevant to get aligned with the work environment and culture – this varies from company to company, organization to organization.  Developing a positive attitude would make an approachable person for colleagues and this goes long way in your growth.

Time management:  Leadership Guru Stephen Covey has said “To be successful, you must live from your imagination”. “First things first”.   There is always going to be challenging tasks in your plate – something important for you and the organization. Pick up the tasks which are important on a balanced analysis basis and prioritize them. Have a tight work calendar and follow it. You will end the word day by achieving tasks which are important for you, team and organization. This will result in job satisfaction and achieving a meaningful work day.

Career launch is golden time!
Learning:  Steve Jobs said “Be hungry, be foolish” during his 2005 address to graduate students at Stamford University. He is right in asking young talents to be learners continuously. Not to judge or be over confident.  There is always scope of learning every day which can increase the quality and efficiency of your work.

Ownership and Solution: Taking full responsibility of the task and delivering it is well accepted by Managers across the industries for many ages! There is less room for employees who whimper, Complain and those who act like strangers to issues. Be result oriented and aware of full responsibility always.

Effectiveness and Efficiency: Most organizations would like their employees to be efficient, that is doing the things right per the written rules, policies and strategies. This is required when you look at the big picture for the organization to achieve its goals thereby to achieve individual’s goals too.  However, there are instances when organization calls out to employees to provide suggestions and ideas for a critical issue or to identify new opportunities. This is effectiveness. Please utilize all such opportunities to prove your mettle.

Measurement:  Have a method to measure your progress by yourself. Take feedbacks and comments from colleagues. Ask your boss informally what he or she thought of your work in last few weeks, months and so on. Use this information for your analysis and see what you come up with and areas you need improvement. This measurement will help you stay ahead of the curve and competition. 

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