Friday, December 16, 2011

That important transition !

That time of the year and chapter of graduate students is here again! What was learned at classrooms and labs, custom of receiving instructions from professors, combing through library and that informal talks by the campus corner and cafeterias ...  all is going to change and see a whole new practical and commercial world starting the New Year!

Yes, I am talking about those thousands of Graduate students who are being honored their degrees this week and next, across the US. Sentiments and number of Graduate student hiring are positive compared to past couple of years. That is good news for our young friends!  Plus, the employment growth in age group 17-14 has also increased tremendously this year.

Most of them are going to go to the practical world for the first time with their very first job. It is important transition for them keeping up the pride and expectations of parents, guardians, professors and friends. Parents are flying in from across the country and all around the world to witness the important graduation ceremony of their beloved son / daughter / brother / sister / nephew / niece.

It is very important for these Graduates to learn more about the expectations of industry and employers. The communication, team work, attitude, hard work, problem solving, logical thinking, solutioning approach etc are going to be critical parameters for success.

We have come of age from those long essays of memo sheets to 140 word crisp Twitter tweets – this a true reflection and example of changing times with prospects. In the nutshell, need to keep it competitive, tight, precise and positive. That is true value creation and new breed of transformative talent revolution every enterprise is expecting out of these new Graduates!

From Graduation Nation, we wish them great success and a delightful career launch!

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